
Ultimate Breakfast Salad

by Kirsten Eats
The Ultimate Breakfast Salad

This breakfast salad is perfect when the weather and sunshine ramps up. A slightly more complex breakfast, but still one that can be enjoyed midweek. I adore assembling everything the night before, packing it in to a wee container and taking it to the office. This is also great salad to make whilst on holiday, camping or at the bach. I have been known to make an enormous bowl for the table, toast some bread, and leave everyone to help themselves at their will.

While this is less a recipe, and more a list of suggestions, there is one thing I feel strongly about…


I cure my own bacon at home as it allows me to control what goes into the cure and ultimately my food. I only ever cure  with free range, organic pork. Please buy from a reputable free range, organic company with the SPCA tick of approval. Otherwise, the salad is just as delicious without the bacon. For pescatarians and vegetarians, smoked salmon or panfried haloumi are beautiful alternatives.

The Ultimate Breakfast Salad

The Ultimate Breakfast Salad

This breakfast salad is perfect when the weather and sunshine ramps up. A slightly more complex breakfast, but still one… Breakfasts Ultimate Breakfast Salad European Print This
Serves: 1
Nutrition facts: 200 calories 20 grams fat
Rating: 5.0/5
( 1 voted )


  • 2 x thick cut bacon rashers, chopped into lardons
  • 1 x handful cos lettuce
  • 4 x cherry tomatoes, chopped
  • 1/2 avocado, sliced
  • 1 x spring onion, finely sliced
  • 1 x soft boiled egg
  • Lemon juice and olive oil to dress


Cook the bacon lardons in a hot pan with a little oil, until crispy. Peel and slice the egg. Layer all the ingredients together, squeeze over a little lemon juice and a swirl of olive oil.

This is also delicious with a little shaved parmesan cheese sprinkled on top.

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